A deconstructed version of the BSQ Group logo with the coloured four-sided shapes of the logo linked in a random fashion for Desktop A deconstructed version of the BSQ Group logo with the coloured four-sided shapes of the logo linked in a random fashion for Desktop

Intelligent corporate services

Perhaps the words that have shaped our Group more than any others, “If you want to be successful at something, you need to know more about that thing than anyone else”.

The continuous training of our Team is fundamental to this. For too long business owners have been hindered by baffling, prohibitive, processes. By ensuring that we always have cutting-edge knowledge, we can uncomplicate entrepreneurship and let business owners concentrate on the serious business of doing business.

If we don’t understand something we need to become an expert in it. Our knowledge then becomes our clients’ knowledge. Education has to be at the forefront of everything. Developing our people - and assisting younger generations - is integral to the Group.

“Every step of operating a business felt harder than it should be”

Back when I formed my first business in 2000, I was astounded by the challenges involved with starting, running, and growing. If it wasn’t red tape slowing me down, it was the quagmire of corporate terminology and expensive fees that seemed to be in place for the sole purpose of holding business owners back. Every step of operating a business felt harder than it should be, and I wanted to fix that.

Now, thanks to new tech and business innovation, things have improved – but I still think it can get better. Better in a way that makes life easier for the people who’ve put in time and dedication to building a business, better for their teams – and better for the people around them.

1st Formations – our flagship service - has now helped over 800,000 people get their limited company off the ground. Some of these businesses will succeed, some will fail. Regardless, we need to know that we’ve done everything we can to give them the best possible chance.

“Our team sees new challenges every day. And each new challenge is a new opportunity”

Whether it’s being able to offer company formation packages that allow clients to make the perfect start in their business adventure, or launching a whole new platform dedicated to the post-incorporation company secretarial needs of time strapped entrepreneurs - everything we’ve done, and everything we will continue to do, is informed by experience.

Across all our e-commerce sites you will find near perfect user reviews. Every new business deserves the very best support, and that’s what we always aim to provide. These strong, trusted connections give us ears closer to the ground. Our team sees new challenges every day. And each new challenge is a new opportunity to help a customer and build on our knowledge.

“A corporate service provider with corporate social responsibility”

We always aim to do things the right way. Right for our Team, right for the environment. We must be a corporate service provider with corporate social responsibility.

We do this by making sure our Team gets a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work. By putting their health and wellbeing first. By always being conscious of diversity and equality.

On a larger scale, we recognise the impact our products and services have on the environment and know that we have to be sustainable. We’ve already worked hard to receive our Green Mark accreditation, the next goal is to achieve carbon net zero.

“Our vision for the next 20 years”

With the inception of our newest brand - Linnear CoSec, our vision for the next 20 years is to broaden the profile of clients we can help, and further advance our status as the UK’s most trusted corporate service provider - offering integrated solutions under the BSQ Group banner.

We hope you and your business can join us on the journey.

Graeme Donnelly
CEO & Founder